Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Bush poll numbers slide again.

Despite terror in the air, even Wallmart shoppers are not happy anymore.

Zogby International:

President Bush's job approval rating dipped two points in the last three weeks, despite the foiling of an airline terror plot and the adoption of a cease-fire deal between Israel and Hezbollah forces in Lebanon, a new Zogby International telephone poll shows.

The survey was conducted Aug. 11, - 15, 2006, included 1,018 respondents, and carries a margin of error of +/� 3.1 percentage points.

The numbers continue to reflect erosion in the President's political base, just 62% of Republicans give him positive marks for his job performance, while 38% give him negative marks. Even among weekly WalMart shoppers, a demographic group identified by Pollster John Zogby as a critical support group for Bush, just 45% now give him positive job marks, though his numbers among those shoppers have improved 10 points since early June.

More than three out of four, 76%, of weekly WalMart shoppers voted for Bush over Democrat John Kerry in the 2004 presidential election, earlier Zogby polling showed.
Among both conservatives and those who consider themselves very conservative, 59% give him positive marks, while 41% in each group gave him a negative job rating.
One third of respondents ' 34% ' said that, overall, the nation is headed in the right direction, while 59% said they think things are off on the wrong track.

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