Thursday, August 17, 2006

For the GOP, a Heartland Plunge

WTF do you expect?

Americans are busy, not stupid, in the majority.

Bush, Cheney, Rummy and Rice, not to mention the NeoCon egg-heads, who are always slithering about, are about to get Nuremburged!

Election stealing will be right behind that, in issues of importance, if we have anything to say about it, at all.

For the GOP, a Heartland Plunge:

"COLUMBUS, Ohio -- When the Columbus Dispatch's respected poll recently reported that Republican Secretary of State Ken Blackwell was trailing Democratic Rep. Ted Strickland by 20 points in the race for governor of Ohio, there was dismay but no shock among his fellow Republicans. Those I interviewed during a recent visit here said they had seen it coming for a long time.

But it is a political earthquake. Democrats have not been able to win a single statewide office in Ohio for most of the past decade -- and are completely shut out of power in the capitol at this moment. Strickland has never run a statewide campaign and is trying to become the first person since Rutherford B. Hayes to go from Congress to Ohio's governorship. Blackwell has won election in Ohio and led the successful campaign that gave George Bush this state -- and the presidency -- over John Kerry in 2004.

(Bull-shit! Do you ever read anything that doesn't fit with you world view?)

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