Friday, August 18, 2006

An expensive no-decision

We simply must get the big money out of politics, period!

WorkingForChange-An expensive no-decision:

WASHINGTON -- We are so accustomed to arguing about the decisions politicians make that we often forget about the importance of non-decisions.

'Non-decision making' is a wonderful concept introduced many years ago by the political scientists Peter Bachrach and Morton Baratz, who spoke of how demands for change 'can be suffocated before they are even voiced.'

Americans are on the verge of making a non-decision about how we pay for presidential campaigns. If Congress does nothing, a system that succeeded in limiting the impact of special interest money on elections for our highest office will collapse.

Opponents of campaign finance reform love to claim that the money-in-politics problem is insoluble. But the public financing of presidential campaigns, instituted in response to the Watergate scandals of the early 1970s, was that rare reform that accomplished exactly what it

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