Friday, August 18, 2006

Review of Landmark Study Finds Fewer Vietnam Veterans With Post-Traumatic Stress - New York Times

Can't help but wonder how many Vietnam Vets, who did suffer from PTSD, are now dead and cannot be interviewed.

Quite a few Vets never darkened the door of the VA, as they wanted nothing more to do with anything having to do with government.

Others left the country, never to return.

Because PTSD was not recognized as a disorder until long after the war ended, how many suicided and/or drank themelves to death, years ago.

There are a number of reasons to not trust this study, entirely.

Review of Landmark Study Finds Fewer Vietnam Veterans With Post-Traumatic Stress - New York Times:

Far fewer Vietnam veterans suffered from post-traumatic stress as a result of their wartime service than previously thought, researchers are reporting today, in a finding that could have lasting consequences for the understanding of combat stress, as well as for the estimates of the mental health fallout from the Iraq war.

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