Monday, June 18, 2007

The “Cloud” over Dick Cheney Just Got Darker!

Voices - The “Cloud” over Dick Cheney Just Got Darker!:

It is an extraordinary subversion of the [U.S.] Constitution to send people to die...on the basis of a lie.” - Elizabeth Holtzman (1)

There is a story told about a criminal defense lawyer, a colorful kind of character at the Maryland Bar, who has since gone on to his final reward. Supposedly, he comforted his guilty-as-hell client as the trial date approached by repeatedly telling him: “Don’t Worry! Everything will be all right!” Well, on the day of the trial, the trial judge assigned to the case wasn’t who the defense lawyer expected. In fact, he was a nightmare--”a Hanging Judge!” It was at this point, that the defense counsel leaned over to his client and whispered: “Start worrying!” Well, this is exactly where V. P. Dick Cheney is today.

The reason: Impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives are picking up momentum. The American people are demanding action as the quagmire of Iraq deepens. Millions of them believe that Cheney lied the country into the Iraqi War and should be impeached. (2) Some gutsy members of the U.S. Congress are responding to that call. This is why H Res 333, “Cheney’s Nightmare,” was introduced by Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), on April 24, 2007.

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